Bard of Tyneside

This research project relates to the literary recovery and biography of my 3x great-grandfather, Robert Gilchrist (1797-1844), a labouring-class poet and sailmaker from Newcastle/Gateshead.
'River processions, sovereign power and the 'aquatic carnivalesque': Barge Day on the River Tyne', in preparation.
'Lamenting the dead: the affective afterlife of poets' graves', in Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas and Angela Person (eds.) Affective Architectures: More-than-Representational Approaches to Heritage. Routledge, forthcoming 2020.
‘Hail, Tyneside lads in collier ships! Sailing, sailors and song culture in the North-East’, in Beaven, B., Bell, K. and James, R. (eds.) Port Towns and Urban Cultures: International Histories of the Waterfront 1700 to 2000. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2016, pp.29-48.
2017 School of Environment and Technology Research Investment Fund (SETRIF), The aquatic carnivalesque: Barge Day on the Tyne. (£1,835)
2014 School of Environment and Technology Research Investment Fund (SETRIF), Songs from the Sailorhood. (£1,625)
'River processions, sovereign power and the 'aquatic carnivalesque': Barge Day on the River Tyne', in preparation.
'Lamenting the dead: the affective afterlife of poets' graves', in Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas and Angela Person (eds.) Affective Architectures: More-than-Representational Approaches to Heritage. Routledge, forthcoming 2020.
‘Hail, Tyneside lads in collier ships! Sailing, sailors and song culture in the North-East’, in Beaven, B., Bell, K. and James, R. (eds.) Port Towns and Urban Cultures: International Histories of the Waterfront 1700 to 2000. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2016, pp.29-48.
2017 School of Environment and Technology Research Investment Fund (SETRIF), The aquatic carnivalesque: Barge Day on the Tyne. (£1,835)
2014 School of Environment and Technology Research Investment Fund (SETRIF), Songs from the Sailorhood. (£1,625)