September 2018
Conference. I co-convened two panels at the RGS-IBG annual conference in Cardiff on 'Teaching sport geography'. Exciting new projects will emerge soon!
July 2018
Research. I've now completed my research in Newcastle on its barge day ritual. This is now being written up for publication. I've also sent off a book chapter called 'Lamenting the dead: the affective afterlife of poets' graves', which offers reflections on some of my research and visits to Newcastle in search of my poet ancestor.
January 2018
New publication. The final one, officially, from 2017. Another article from my collaboration with Prof Guy Osborn. 'Risk and lifestyle sports: the case of bouldering'. This is useful for anyone researching the duty of care for a climbing centre. This marks the third publication in 2017 as part of our collaboration. Guy and I are planning further writing projects in 2018, exploring the relationships between law, popular culture and the everyday life of the street.
September 2017
Conference. With Hannah Pitt (Cardiff University), I convened two panels at the RGS-IBG annual conference in London on 'Finding futures for waterways'.
July 2017
Promotion. Now a Principal Lecturer!
June 2017
New curriculum. Following the Curriculum Development Review, we will be launching a new curriculum for BA Geography in 2017-18.
April 2017
Conference. I attended the American Association of Geographers (AAG) conference in Boston, USA. This was my first visit to the States. I gave a presentation called 'On the waterfront: canals and their cultural 'assets' powering the heritage engine in post-industrial cities', which was an output from our European Waterways Heritage (Eu.Wat.Her) project.
March 2017
Research visit. A trip to Girona in Catalonia, Spain, for the final Eu.Wat.Her project meeting. We had a nice field visit along the River Ter, ending at L'Escala on the Costa Brava. We visited the 'Girona and Water' exhibition at the Museu d'Historia de Girona and spent time in the Universitat de Girona discussing the final stages of our project.
New publication. 'Where do heritage trails go to die?' Stepping out at the British seaside', in G. Hooper (ed.) Heritage and Tourism in Britain and Ireland. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.195-212.
February 2017
Book series editor. Taylor & Francis have agreed a new book series with the Leisure Studies Association on 'Advances in Leisure Studies'. This ostensibly replaces the old LSA Publication series, which produced 127 volumes over 40 years. I will be editing the new book series alongside Dr Jayne Caudwell (Bournemouth University).
January 2017
New publications. With Belinda Wheaton (University of Waikato), we have edited a special issue of the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics on 'Exploring the social benefits of informal and lifestyle sports'. The issue includes a research agenda for lifestyle sport studies, co-written with Belinda. and an article I wrote with Guy Osborn on 'Risk and benefits in lifestyle sport: parkour, the law and social value'.
New role. I've now taken over as course leader for the BA Geography programme. The big job in the next few months will be guiding the course through a curriculum review and revalidation. Exciting times!
October 2016
New publication. Gilchrist, P. (2017) ' "Countercultural" sport', in Bairner, A., Kelly, J. and Woo Lee, J. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics. London and New York: Routledge, pp.388-400.
New publication. Liu, P., Gilchrist, P., Taylor, B. and Ravenscroft, N. (2016) 'The spaces and times of community farming', Agriculture & Human Values, onlinefirst.
Presentation. 'Parkour and public space: understanding risk, benefit and social value', Leisure Studies Association annual conference, Liverpool John Moores University, 7 July.
Plenary talk. I was delighted to give the plenary talk to the 'World of the Outdoors' one-day conference on the history of outdoor sport, hosted by the University of Cumbria, Lancaster, 24 June.
Discovery! Another poem for the Robert Gilchrist bibliography was found at the Brotherton Library, Leeds University.
Presentation: ‘Where do heritage trails go to die?’ Stepping out at the British seaside', Institute of Historical Research, Sport and Leisure History seminar, London, 16 May
Presentation: 'Researching waterscapes: community stories and management practices', Festival of Social Science, University of Brighton, 19 May.
Dissertation time! It was a pleasure to read some excellent dissertations this year. Some really imaginative uses of geography to investigate the foodscapes of the University of Brighton, the experience of the learning disabled at Glastonbury festival, tourism and photographic practices on gap years, and eco-feminist critiques of animated children's films.
Conference. We kicked off the new Centre for Research in Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics with a two-day conference on 'Climate Change'.
Conference. I co-convened two panels at the RGS-IBG annual conference in Cardiff on 'Teaching sport geography'. Exciting new projects will emerge soon!
July 2018
Research. I've now completed my research in Newcastle on its barge day ritual. This is now being written up for publication. I've also sent off a book chapter called 'Lamenting the dead: the affective afterlife of poets' graves', which offers reflections on some of my research and visits to Newcastle in search of my poet ancestor.
January 2018
New publication. The final one, officially, from 2017. Another article from my collaboration with Prof Guy Osborn. 'Risk and lifestyle sports: the case of bouldering'. This is useful for anyone researching the duty of care for a climbing centre. This marks the third publication in 2017 as part of our collaboration. Guy and I are planning further writing projects in 2018, exploring the relationships between law, popular culture and the everyday life of the street.
September 2017
Conference. With Hannah Pitt (Cardiff University), I convened two panels at the RGS-IBG annual conference in London on 'Finding futures for waterways'.
July 2017
Promotion. Now a Principal Lecturer!
June 2017
New curriculum. Following the Curriculum Development Review, we will be launching a new curriculum for BA Geography in 2017-18.
April 2017
Conference. I attended the American Association of Geographers (AAG) conference in Boston, USA. This was my first visit to the States. I gave a presentation called 'On the waterfront: canals and their cultural 'assets' powering the heritage engine in post-industrial cities', which was an output from our European Waterways Heritage (Eu.Wat.Her) project.
March 2017
Research visit. A trip to Girona in Catalonia, Spain, for the final Eu.Wat.Her project meeting. We had a nice field visit along the River Ter, ending at L'Escala on the Costa Brava. We visited the 'Girona and Water' exhibition at the Museu d'Historia de Girona and spent time in the Universitat de Girona discussing the final stages of our project.
New publication. 'Where do heritage trails go to die?' Stepping out at the British seaside', in G. Hooper (ed.) Heritage and Tourism in Britain and Ireland. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.195-212.
February 2017
Book series editor. Taylor & Francis have agreed a new book series with the Leisure Studies Association on 'Advances in Leisure Studies'. This ostensibly replaces the old LSA Publication series, which produced 127 volumes over 40 years. I will be editing the new book series alongside Dr Jayne Caudwell (Bournemouth University).
January 2017
New publications. With Belinda Wheaton (University of Waikato), we have edited a special issue of the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics on 'Exploring the social benefits of informal and lifestyle sports'. The issue includes a research agenda for lifestyle sport studies, co-written with Belinda. and an article I wrote with Guy Osborn on 'Risk and benefits in lifestyle sport: parkour, the law and social value'.
New role. I've now taken over as course leader for the BA Geography programme. The big job in the next few months will be guiding the course through a curriculum review and revalidation. Exciting times!
October 2016
New publication. Gilchrist, P. (2017) ' "Countercultural" sport', in Bairner, A., Kelly, J. and Woo Lee, J. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics. London and New York: Routledge, pp.388-400.
New publication. Liu, P., Gilchrist, P., Taylor, B. and Ravenscroft, N. (2016) 'The spaces and times of community farming', Agriculture & Human Values, onlinefirst.
Presentation. 'Parkour and public space: understanding risk, benefit and social value', Leisure Studies Association annual conference, Liverpool John Moores University, 7 July.
Plenary talk. I was delighted to give the plenary talk to the 'World of the Outdoors' one-day conference on the history of outdoor sport, hosted by the University of Cumbria, Lancaster, 24 June.
Discovery! Another poem for the Robert Gilchrist bibliography was found at the Brotherton Library, Leeds University.
Presentation: ‘Where do heritage trails go to die?’ Stepping out at the British seaside', Institute of Historical Research, Sport and Leisure History seminar, London, 16 May
Presentation: 'Researching waterscapes: community stories and management practices', Festival of Social Science, University of Brighton, 19 May.
Dissertation time! It was a pleasure to read some excellent dissertations this year. Some really imaginative uses of geography to investigate the foodscapes of the University of Brighton, the experience of the learning disabled at Glastonbury festival, tourism and photographic practices on gap years, and eco-feminist critiques of animated children's films.
Conference. We kicked off the new Centre for Research in Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics with a two-day conference on 'Climate Change'.
New publication. The first piece from the Robert Gilchrist project has been published in a collection called Port Towns and Urban Cultures: International Histories of the Waterfront, c.1700-2000. March Anniversary party. It was nice to meet with friends at the PSA Sport and Politics group annual conference at Bournemouth University. This marked ten years of the group and its successful annual conferences - hence the cake! (Thanks to Jo Ayres - cakemaker extraordinaire) New publication. P. Gilchrist and B. Wheaton. 'Lifestyle and adventure sports among youth', in Green, K. and Smith, A. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Youth Sport (London: Routledge), pp.186-200. |
news 2015

Presentation to the 'Heroes' conference at the RGS, London. 'Embodied causes: the climber as 'celanthropist', which looked at the relationship between climbing and charity and the forms of heroic celebrityhood being produced.
Presentation to the 'Heroes' conference at the RGS, London. 'Embodied causes: the climber as 'celanthropist', which looked at the relationship between climbing and charity and the forms of heroic celebrityhood being produced.

New article published in Qualitative Research Journal. 'Co-designing non-hierarchical community arts research: the collaborative stories spiral'. The article is open access and is available to download for free.
Start of the AHRC-funded Eu.Wat.Her project - European Waterways Heritage: Re-Evaluating European Minor Rivers and Canals as Cultural Landscapes.
Attended ESRC Lifestyle and Information Sport seminar on the institutionalisation and regulation of lifestyle sport, Brunel University, 15 June.
Presented 'Heritage trails at the UK seaside resort: the cultural politics of 'claims to fame', British Society of Sport History South workshop, University of Portsmouth, 12 June 2015. Nice to catch up with my chums from the Port Towns and Urban Cultures group at Portsmouth.
Confirmation that I will be co-editing a special issue of the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics on the social benefits of lifestyle sport. This will be published in Spring 2017 and will bring together papers presented at the ESRC seminars on informal and lifestyle sport.
Publication of an edited special section of Sociological Research Online on the 'political sociologies of sport'. This work brings together some good quality presentations given to the PSA Sport and Politics group annual conferences. Very pleased to see this in the public domain.
Presented 'Parkour and urban politics: citizenship and the 'gift', to the ESRC seminar on Lifestyle and Informal Sport, Brighton, 25 April 2015.
The University of Brighton has approved a new research centre on Space, Environment and Culture. I will be jointly leading the theme on Space, Power and Justice.
Received notification that Neil Ravenscroft and I have won a new AHRC grant. This is a cross-European project with colleagues from Amsterdam, Venice and Seville to investigate European Waterways Heritage (Eu.Wat.Her): Re-evaluating European Minor Rivers and Canals as Cultural Landscapes. The project will commence in September. I am a co-investigator for an action on co-producing cultural heritages of minor waterways, specifically looking at the Rochdale and Aston canal in the North West.
Presented 'Sport stadia, seaside economies and social tone: the history of the Hastings and St Leonards greyhound racing track', , Rec, , , to the toRecording Leisure Lives: Places and Spaces of Leisure in 20th Century Britain, the Mass Observation Archive, The Keep, Sussex, 31 March 2015.
Presented 'Introducing the ‘Collaborative Stories Spiral’: a participatory methodology for creating transformation community history projects', to the Pararchive Project Conference, University of Leeds, 27 March 2015.
Attended Riskmanche project meeting, Ifremer, Brest. The trip will be fondly remembered for the cow horns filled with Norman cider. Nice.
Presented 'Songs from the sailorhood: Robert Gilchrist, 'Bard of Tyneside', to Broadside Day, 21 February 2015, Cecil Sharp House, London. This was organised by the English Folk Dance & Song Society and Traditional Song Forum. A really nice bunch of people that have given me plenty of new leads to follow.
Riskmanche Knowledge Exchange event, 17-18 February, Portsmouth (the Riskmanche team pictured left). A full day of activity, relaying project findings to water quality professionals and other interested parties.
Attended the 9th PSA Sport and Politics Annual Conference, University of Durham, 7-8 January. The conference was a great success, with around 100 delegates and keynote talks from Hugh Robertson MP and Prof Barrie Houlihan. Presented a paper on 'countercultural sport'. Conference report available here.
New article published in Qualitative Research Journal. 'Co-designing non-hierarchical community arts research: the collaborative stories spiral'. The article is open access and is available to download for free.
Start of the AHRC-funded Eu.Wat.Her project - European Waterways Heritage: Re-Evaluating European Minor Rivers and Canals as Cultural Landscapes.
Attended ESRC Lifestyle and Information Sport seminar on the institutionalisation and regulation of lifestyle sport, Brunel University, 15 June.
Presented 'Heritage trails at the UK seaside resort: the cultural politics of 'claims to fame', British Society of Sport History South workshop, University of Portsmouth, 12 June 2015. Nice to catch up with my chums from the Port Towns and Urban Cultures group at Portsmouth.
Confirmation that I will be co-editing a special issue of the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics on the social benefits of lifestyle sport. This will be published in Spring 2017 and will bring together papers presented at the ESRC seminars on informal and lifestyle sport.
Publication of an edited special section of Sociological Research Online on the 'political sociologies of sport'. This work brings together some good quality presentations given to the PSA Sport and Politics group annual conferences. Very pleased to see this in the public domain.
Presented 'Parkour and urban politics: citizenship and the 'gift', to the ESRC seminar on Lifestyle and Informal Sport, Brighton, 25 April 2015.
The University of Brighton has approved a new research centre on Space, Environment and Culture. I will be jointly leading the theme on Space, Power and Justice.
Received notification that Neil Ravenscroft and I have won a new AHRC grant. This is a cross-European project with colleagues from Amsterdam, Venice and Seville to investigate European Waterways Heritage (Eu.Wat.Her): Re-evaluating European Minor Rivers and Canals as Cultural Landscapes. The project will commence in September. I am a co-investigator for an action on co-producing cultural heritages of minor waterways, specifically looking at the Rochdale and Aston canal in the North West.
Presented 'Sport stadia, seaside economies and social tone: the history of the Hastings and St Leonards greyhound racing track', , Rec, , , to the toRecording Leisure Lives: Places and Spaces of Leisure in 20th Century Britain, the Mass Observation Archive, The Keep, Sussex, 31 March 2015.
Presented 'Introducing the ‘Collaborative Stories Spiral’: a participatory methodology for creating transformation community history projects', to the Pararchive Project Conference, University of Leeds, 27 March 2015.
Attended Riskmanche project meeting, Ifremer, Brest. The trip will be fondly remembered for the cow horns filled with Norman cider. Nice.
Presented 'Songs from the sailorhood: Robert Gilchrist, 'Bard of Tyneside', to Broadside Day, 21 February 2015, Cecil Sharp House, London. This was organised by the English Folk Dance & Song Society and Traditional Song Forum. A really nice bunch of people that have given me plenty of new leads to follow.
Riskmanche Knowledge Exchange event, 17-18 February, Portsmouth (the Riskmanche team pictured left). A full day of activity, relaying project findings to water quality professionals and other interested parties.
Attended the 9th PSA Sport and Politics Annual Conference, University of Durham, 7-8 January. The conference was a great success, with around 100 delegates and keynote talks from Hugh Robertson MP and Prof Barrie Houlihan. Presented a paper on 'countercultural sport'. Conference report available here.
NEWS 2014
Presentation to the 'Heritage Forum' at the University of Brighton in Hastings on 'Heritage Trails and Coastal Regeneration. 15 October.
Trip to Université du Havre (Le Havre) for the Interreg-funded Channel Catchment Cluster conference. 'River Catchment Dynamics' map in action!
Conference presentation given to the Leisure Studies Association annual conference on 'Sport, youth and public space: parkour parks as 'everyday utopias'. University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, 9 July 2014.
Further archival trips are planned in July to Newcastle-upon-Tyne to complete work for my book chapter on 'Songs from the sailorhood' for a volume on Port Towns and Urban Cultures, which is to appear next year.
Focus groups on environmental risk and the public understanding of science.
Presentation to the 'Heritage Forum' at the University of Brighton in Hastings on 'Heritage Trails and Coastal Regeneration. 15 October.
Trip to Université du Havre (Le Havre) for the Interreg-funded Channel Catchment Cluster conference. 'River Catchment Dynamics' map in action!
Conference presentation given to the Leisure Studies Association annual conference on 'Sport, youth and public space: parkour parks as 'everyday utopias'. University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, 9 July 2014.
Further archival trips are planned in July to Newcastle-upon-Tyne to complete work for my book chapter on 'Songs from the sailorhood' for a volume on Port Towns and Urban Cultures, which is to appear next year.
Focus groups on environmental risk and the public understanding of science.
Coastal Cultures: Liminality and Leisure, edited by Paul Gilchrist, Thomas Carter and Daniel Burdsey, is out now. This is the culmination of two workshops on 'Theorising the coast' and 'Coastal cultures' hosted by the University of Brighton. Available to purchase from the LSA website. Completion of initial phase of focus groups for the Joaquin project. The aim was to study pubic understanding of scientific information and the results will go towards the development of air quality indicators across Europe. Also, attended the always excellent Social Science Research Festival at the University of Brighton. May Attended the 'Researching co-production' conference at the University of Bristol on 14 May. This conference brought together both academics and non-academics working in public management, public health, geography, law, arts, and social studies to address conceptual issues around the concept of co-production. Lots of inspiring ideas to take forward... |
This month I completed a further trip to the archives. This was made possible by a small grant I received from the School of Environment and Technology at the University of Brighton to conduct a project on 'Songs from the sailorhood'. I consulted the 'Robert Gilchrist' papers housed in the Tyne and Wear Archives and the and Bell-White Collection at Newcastle University. I found Gilchrist's earliest dated poem, 'Verses on Tanfield Arch, in the County of Durham', which was written in May 1815, and numerous other artefacts - from a pocket book of stories and compositions, personal letters, the route of his walk to Scotland, business cards, newspaper cuttings, numerous broadsides, marketing and subscription materials. I also acquired a rare lithographic print of the Herbage Committee, featuring Robert Gilchrist This is a wealth of new detail about Robert's life and times, which will go towards some articles to be submitted to journals later this year.
This month I completed a further trip to the archives. This was made possible by a small grant I received from the School of Environment and Technology at the University of Brighton to conduct a project on 'Songs from the sailorhood'. I consulted the 'Robert Gilchrist' papers housed in the Tyne and Wear Archives and the and Bell-White Collection at Newcastle University. I found Gilchrist's earliest dated poem, 'Verses on Tanfield Arch, in the County of Durham', which was written in May 1815, and numerous other artefacts - from a pocket book of stories and compositions, personal letters, the route of his walk to Scotland, business cards, newspaper cuttings, numerous broadsides, marketing and subscription materials. I also acquired a rare lithographic print of the Herbage Committee, featuring Robert Gilchrist This is a wealth of new detail about Robert's life and times, which will go towards some articles to be submitted to journals later this year.

With School of Environment and Technology colleagues - doctoral candidate Adewale Olalemi and Prof Huw Taylor returning from a meeting at the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie for the Riskmanche project. I presented on the social science inputs into the project.
The White Cliffs of Dieppe in the background!
With School of Environment and Technology colleagues - doctoral candidate Adewale Olalemi and Prof Huw Taylor returning from a meeting at the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie for the Riskmanche project. I presented on the social science inputs into the project.
The White Cliffs of Dieppe in the background!
The PSA Sport and Politics Group held its 8th annual conference at Liverpool John Moores University. Read the conference report here. I gave a presentation on 'Sport, youth culture and public space: parkour parks as 'everyday utopias'.
Research trip to Bruges for the Joaquin project. Gave a presentation on focus group methodology.
Completed a report to the AHRC on Community Gardening, Creativity and Everyday Culture: Food Growing and Embedded Researchers in Community Transformation and Connections.
January 2014. Happy New Year to all my friends, colleagues and comrades in the world of academia. Not much to report on the news front of new projects and proposals as work continues on my existing research projects, with results due to appear in print this year. 2014 will see the completion of the first phase of research into Robert Gilchrist, with an essay on song cultures in nineteenth century Tyneside. I presented this research in quite a few places in 2013 so I'm happy to address the questions and queries I had and to turn the research into a tangible output. Following the success of the 2011 article on parkour and youth engagement (published in the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics and rapidly picking up citations) a companion piece on parkour parks and 'everyday utopias' is to get an airing at the PSA Sport and Politics Annual Conference at Liverpool in February. The sport theme continues with a book chapter on 'counter-cultural sport' for The Routledge Handbook of Sport Politics, an encyclopedia entry in the Wiley International Encyclopedia of Geography on 'Geography of Sport', and a couple of book reviews - Peter Hansen's 'The Summits of Modern Man', which I have the pleasure of reviewing for the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, and Jules Boykoff's 'Celebration Capitalism and the Olympic Games', being reviewed for Leisure Studies. Oh, and toward the end of the year I'll be co-editing a special issue of Sociological Research Online on the political sociologies of sport. Work from the AHRC-funded food growing projects is progressing well, with an article near completion on the scarecrow and the geographic imagination and two further articles on embedded research and co-designed research. Data collection is to commence shortly for the Riskmanche project which is exploring the environmental knowledge of water-based recreation users; to really test some of the weak claims about environmental politics and outdoors sport that have been made by scholars in recent years. So, there you have it. A year of writing and completing projects ahead and I hope to see old friends and make new ones at my usual conference haunts in the near future.
The PSA Sport and Politics Group held its 8th annual conference at Liverpool John Moores University. Read the conference report here. I gave a presentation on 'Sport, youth culture and public space: parkour parks as 'everyday utopias'.
Research trip to Bruges for the Joaquin project. Gave a presentation on focus group methodology.
Completed a report to the AHRC on Community Gardening, Creativity and Everyday Culture: Food Growing and Embedded Researchers in Community Transformation and Connections.
January 2014. Happy New Year to all my friends, colleagues and comrades in the world of academia. Not much to report on the news front of new projects and proposals as work continues on my existing research projects, with results due to appear in print this year. 2014 will see the completion of the first phase of research into Robert Gilchrist, with an essay on song cultures in nineteenth century Tyneside. I presented this research in quite a few places in 2013 so I'm happy to address the questions and queries I had and to turn the research into a tangible output. Following the success of the 2011 article on parkour and youth engagement (published in the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics and rapidly picking up citations) a companion piece on parkour parks and 'everyday utopias' is to get an airing at the PSA Sport and Politics Annual Conference at Liverpool in February. The sport theme continues with a book chapter on 'counter-cultural sport' for The Routledge Handbook of Sport Politics, an encyclopedia entry in the Wiley International Encyclopedia of Geography on 'Geography of Sport', and a couple of book reviews - Peter Hansen's 'The Summits of Modern Man', which I have the pleasure of reviewing for the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, and Jules Boykoff's 'Celebration Capitalism and the Olympic Games', being reviewed for Leisure Studies. Oh, and toward the end of the year I'll be co-editing a special issue of Sociological Research Online on the political sociologies of sport. Work from the AHRC-funded food growing projects is progressing well, with an article near completion on the scarecrow and the geographic imagination and two further articles on embedded research and co-designed research. Data collection is to commence shortly for the Riskmanche project which is exploring the environmental knowledge of water-based recreation users; to really test some of the weak claims about environmental politics and outdoors sport that have been made by scholars in recent years. So, there you have it. A year of writing and completing projects ahead and I hope to see old friends and make new ones at my usual conference haunts in the near future.
Old News
January 2013. This month I will have been working at the University of Brighton for 10 years. Looking forward to new challenges in 2013.
Grant success. The AHRC have awarded c. £40,000 of Connected Communities funding for a project on 'Networked communities as dynamic co-created learning environments' following on from our work with food growing communities in Manchester and Sussex. I will be a co-investigator. Read about it here.
Grant success. The AHRC have awarded £25,000 for a Showcase Event to share our outputs from the Connected Communities projects.
February 2013. A new chapter begins as I have transferred to work in the School of Environment and Technology full-time.
March 2013. New website created for the AHRC-funded food growing project.
'Community gardening, creativity and everyday culture' project profiled at the AHRC Connected Communities Showcase Event, London, 12 March, with higher education minister David Willetts in attendance. Read about it here.
Forthcoming presentations. I am due to speak about Robert Gilchrist, 'Bard of Tyneside' at the Leisure Studies Association annual conference and the Port Towns and Urban Cultures conference in July.
New website created for my research into Robert Gilchrist.
April 2013.
Forthcoming presentation. Paper accepted for RGS-IBG annual conference in London in August. 'Theorising Worzel: the scarecrow, gift exchange and geographical imaginations'.
Meeting of the RiskManche research teams at EHESP, Rennes, to progress actions on risk perception and shellfish consumption.
June 2013.
Presented 'Theorising Worzel: the scarecrow and geographic imaginations' at the annual Festival of Social Sciences, University of Brighton, 7 June.
'Property ownership, resource use and the 'gift of nature', published in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.
New book chapter about 'New media technologies and lifestyle sport', published in Hutchins, B. and Rowe, D. (eds.) Digital Media Sport: Technology, Culture and Power in the Network Society.
Euan McAleece has produced a radio programme called 'Climbing the Monster: Beachy Head' based upon my research into the climbers of Beachy Head. The programme has been broadcast on Resonance FM and Radiozound. Check out the features here. (2 versions).
July 2013.
Elected onto the Leisure Studies Association executive committee.
Presented 'The leisure identity of the labouring class poet: reflections on the work of Robert Gilchrist, 'Bard of Tyneside'', at the LSA annual conference, University of Salford, 11 July.
Presented ''Hail, Tyneside lads! in collier fleets': song culture, sailing and sailors in North-East England' at the Port Towns and Urban Cultures conference, Portsmouth, 26 July 2013.
August 2013.
Rest and relaxation - Holidays to Dorset and France.
Presented 'Theorising Worzel: the scarecrow and geographical imaginations' at the RGS-IBG annual conference.
September 2013.
'Gender and British climbing histories' special issue of Sport in History, 33(3), is published. The first special issue on climbing in sport studies!
Attended the Sport, Leisure and Social Justice conference at the University of Brighton. The PSA Sport and Politics Group was a co-sponsor.
New term begins - looking forward to teaching Contemporary Rural Geographies, Geography of Sport and Leisure and going on the Greece field trip!
October 2013.
Presented 'Literary tourist trails and the genealogical imaginary: in the footsteps of Robert Gilchrist, 'Bard of Tyneside' at the BSSH Sport and Leisure History Southern England conference at the University of Sussex on 26 October.
6 dissertation students covering the demographics of football stadiums, psychedelic trance and global culture, London Olympic sites and tourism, socio-political aspects of community-supported agriculture in the UK, Cambridgeshire's new village concept, and social identities in tourism. Should be fun!
Co-opted as Publications Officer for the Leisure Studies Association.
Pollution matters - Attended Joaquin meeting in Amsterdam and Riskmanche meeting in Weymouth
November 2013.
Coastal Cultures: Liminality and Leisure edited by Gilchrist, Carter and Burdsey is published by the LSA.
New film from AHRC Connected Communities project now complete. View it here.
Given the go-ahead for a special section of Sociological Research Online on the political sociologies of sport.
January 2013. This month I will have been working at the University of Brighton for 10 years. Looking forward to new challenges in 2013.
Grant success. The AHRC have awarded c. £40,000 of Connected Communities funding for a project on 'Networked communities as dynamic co-created learning environments' following on from our work with food growing communities in Manchester and Sussex. I will be a co-investigator. Read about it here.
Grant success. The AHRC have awarded £25,000 for a Showcase Event to share our outputs from the Connected Communities projects.
February 2013. A new chapter begins as I have transferred to work in the School of Environment and Technology full-time.
March 2013. New website created for the AHRC-funded food growing project.
'Community gardening, creativity and everyday culture' project profiled at the AHRC Connected Communities Showcase Event, London, 12 March, with higher education minister David Willetts in attendance. Read about it here.
Forthcoming presentations. I am due to speak about Robert Gilchrist, 'Bard of Tyneside' at the Leisure Studies Association annual conference and the Port Towns and Urban Cultures conference in July.
New website created for my research into Robert Gilchrist.
April 2013.
Forthcoming presentation. Paper accepted for RGS-IBG annual conference in London in August. 'Theorising Worzel: the scarecrow, gift exchange and geographical imaginations'.
Meeting of the RiskManche research teams at EHESP, Rennes, to progress actions on risk perception and shellfish consumption.
June 2013.
Presented 'Theorising Worzel: the scarecrow and geographic imaginations' at the annual Festival of Social Sciences, University of Brighton, 7 June.
'Property ownership, resource use and the 'gift of nature', published in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.
New book chapter about 'New media technologies and lifestyle sport', published in Hutchins, B. and Rowe, D. (eds.) Digital Media Sport: Technology, Culture and Power in the Network Society.
Euan McAleece has produced a radio programme called 'Climbing the Monster: Beachy Head' based upon my research into the climbers of Beachy Head. The programme has been broadcast on Resonance FM and Radiozound. Check out the features here. (2 versions).
July 2013.
Elected onto the Leisure Studies Association executive committee.
Presented 'The leisure identity of the labouring class poet: reflections on the work of Robert Gilchrist, 'Bard of Tyneside'', at the LSA annual conference, University of Salford, 11 July.
Presented ''Hail, Tyneside lads! in collier fleets': song culture, sailing and sailors in North-East England' at the Port Towns and Urban Cultures conference, Portsmouth, 26 July 2013.
August 2013.
Rest and relaxation - Holidays to Dorset and France.
Presented 'Theorising Worzel: the scarecrow and geographical imaginations' at the RGS-IBG annual conference.
September 2013.
'Gender and British climbing histories' special issue of Sport in History, 33(3), is published. The first special issue on climbing in sport studies!
Attended the Sport, Leisure and Social Justice conference at the University of Brighton. The PSA Sport and Politics Group was a co-sponsor.
New term begins - looking forward to teaching Contemporary Rural Geographies, Geography of Sport and Leisure and going on the Greece field trip!
October 2013.
Presented 'Literary tourist trails and the genealogical imaginary: in the footsteps of Robert Gilchrist, 'Bard of Tyneside' at the BSSH Sport and Leisure History Southern England conference at the University of Sussex on 26 October.
6 dissertation students covering the demographics of football stadiums, psychedelic trance and global culture, London Olympic sites and tourism, socio-political aspects of community-supported agriculture in the UK, Cambridgeshire's new village concept, and social identities in tourism. Should be fun!
Co-opted as Publications Officer for the Leisure Studies Association.
Pollution matters - Attended Joaquin meeting in Amsterdam and Riskmanche meeting in Weymouth
November 2013.
Coastal Cultures: Liminality and Leisure edited by Gilchrist, Carter and Burdsey is published by the LSA.
New film from AHRC Connected Communities project now complete. View it here.
Given the go-ahead for a special section of Sociological Research Online on the political sociologies of sport.